Peoples of North America

Peoples of Central America

Peoples of South America

Peoples of Africa

Peoples of Asia

Peoples of South East Asia

Peoples of the Arctic

Peoples of the Pacific

This page contains information about tribal people all over the world. I hope to contribute to a better understanding of cultures that differ from our 'Western' culture. A lot of these cultures are threatened in their existence. Modern society for some strange reason wants all cultures to adopt her system of capitalism, because she thinks this is the best way to organize a society. This egocentric point of view has resulted in the destruction of a lot of cultures in the past and will result in the destruction of many more cultures in the future if she's not changed. We all know that the western way of life is very destructive to our earth and its inhabitants. We are not as rational as we think we are. Indigenous cultures can teach us a more constructive way of life in harmony with ourselves and nature.

'Cultural differences are inherent in humanity and protecting this human diversity enriches our common earth. Yet in the name of development and progress, indigenous peoples lose their lands and natural resources, thereby losing control over their lives. The consequences are often disease, destitution, and despair for them, and war and environmental damage for us all.'
- Cultural Survival Inc., 1997.

' our race to modernize we must respect the ancient cultures and traditions of our peoples. We must not blindly follow that model of progress invented by European wealth; we must not forget that this wealth was bought at a very high price. The rich world suffers from so much stress, pollution, violence, poverty, and spiritual emptiness. The wealth of the indigenous communities lies not in money or commodities, but in community, tradition, and a sense of belonging to a special place.'
- Mutang Urud, Kelabit tribe, Sarawak.
Survival International
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Page written, designed and maintained by Bart Spierings
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