Africa has of all continents the largest cultural diversity. It not only has numerous indigenous cultures, but also many cultures that originate from other continents. Many parts of modern Africa show the signs of the colonization that took place in the past centuries. In North Africa only people from the Berber language group and the Timasheq (Toeareg) language group have managed to maintain their own culture. The Berber are so widely spread across northern Africa because they were forced to give up their fertile land and move to the highlands and deserts. There they continued their opposition against the domination by cities and the peoples from the rich plains. The cultures along the coast of East Africa show signs of Arabic and even Indian influence. This part has dealt with many centuries of European colonization. In West Africa the European remained in the coastal parts. From this part of the continent millions of Africans were shipped to the Caribic and South America and sold as slaves.

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